Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Managing The Message

Reading Summary 7: Managing the Message

Jeff Neal

Reference: Lynn Hightower, Lynn; Communications Director, Boise Police Department, Boise, Idaho; Managing the Message; Police Chief Magazine; The Police Chief, val. 74, no. 12;

Theme: Often well trained police chiefs and PIO's interview with the media and think they delivered a good report that reflects well on the department, only to be surprised when the report given by the media is not what they expected and makes the department look bad to the public. This is why the message must be managed.
Jim Kerns

Summary: The message given by law enforcement or any emergency services department is important and it is important for the right message to be delivered.  It is the responsibility of the of the PIO or Chief giving the message to take manage the message and make sure there is no doubt what is being said and what the agency believes.

To assure that the correct message is delivered the following Principles should be followed:

-          Empathy and caring – The citizens must know that the officials Care.

-          Competence and expertise – The agency must be well trained and equipped and demonstrate they expertise in the message.

-          Honesty and openness – Tell the truth.

-          Commitment and dedication – Be committed and dedicated to doing a good job, prepare and don't try and wing it.

Reach out to the public; know the issues of the community you are addressing.  Thy and say thing that they what to hear about.  For example review what the department is doing to prevent crimes.

Rehearse what you are going to say.  Write down a few bullet points and refer to them during the interview to be sure you covered the vital information.

Repeat the message at often as possible during the interview to be sure there is no doubt what he important part of the message is.  If the message is only given once then it could be missed.

Many chiefs complain that the reporter didn't ask the right questions.  It's not the reporter's responsibility to get the message out; it's the Chief or PIO's.  When asked a question be detailed and deliver the message, don't wait for the right question because the right question may not be asked.

Application to the lesson topic: I used some of the ideas presented in this article in preparing and recording my 5 minute video.  I made bullet point and a cheat sheet that I could refer to in the event I got stumped and need to be reminded what my message was. 

Application to emergency services: Often we avoid being in front of the camera when asked to be interviewed.  This fear most of us have is because we are afraid of embarrassing ourselves.  If we take the time to practice and develop good communication and interview skills then our fears will go away.  We will be more relaxed and be able to give the message we are intending to give.

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