O'Brien, T. (2004). Renovating "This Old Press Conference". Public Relations Tactics, 11(12), 15.
Theme: Only hold a press conference when the story is likely to generate a good deal of media interest. Hold the press conference as a convenience for both the client and media.
- Don't call it a press conference – Call it a press briefing, or reception or media tour
- Don't conduct your event in a traditional corporate setting – Have the conference in the public or at the setting of the story
- Manage expectations – Sometimes a press conference is set up before the IPO is notified. As the IPO work to make sure the press conference is successful and informative.
- Think visually – Consider dress of those involved and how the setting of the press conference will look. These will impact how the information is received.
- Never guarantee coverage – Don't make promises to any reporter for additional or 'inside' coverage.
- When all else fails, keep your head up-Understanding that you can't control the media will make it slightly easier to maintain your cool when unexpected challenges present themselves in the final minutes before your event
Application to the lesson topic: A press conference can go very good or very bad, preparation and being educated about the press conference topic by the IPO makes all the difference.
Application to Emergency Services: A press conference dealing with any emergency service needs to be thought out and well prepared for. Thinking through some of these suggestions helps insure a successful, informative press conference.
I hope you don't mind, but I copied the list of your tactics. Great way of explaining what not to do in a press conference or, no, I mean "Press Briefing."