The role of news media in natural disaster risk and recovery
Mike Wayman
Miles, B., & Morse, S. (2007). The role of news media in natural disaster risk and recovery. Ecological Economics, 63(2/3), 365-373.
The article addresses the way media addresses natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. Social media was important in bringing the country together.
- Media plays various rolls on modern society, from information, and education, to emergency functions between the public and the emergency
- On a social level mass media provides the social glue that connects society
- Media is responsible for referring information to the public as well as those who are affected by the disaster
- By making the information available to all mass media allows for a social experience
- Information distributed by the media is influenced by editorial decisions driven by cultural bias and profit motive
- Media hype is fueled by natural disasters and tragidy
- Hypes are excelerated by journalistic competition
- During Katrina national news reached the masses more than local news
- Each news outlet chose what aspect of the hurricane to focus on
- Imediantly after the hurricane the focus was on the people. The media wanted to give a human face to the disaster
- Eventually the media found a happy medium between the people affected and the distruction
Application to lesson topic:
The topic of media coverage of a disaster was the focus of this article. With virtually every media outlet covering the hurricane, they had to decide what part to focus on and what information to bring to the public's attention.
Application to Emergency Services:
In my opinion, how the media portrays an emergency can help or hinder how emergency services operates. Information can help the public know what to do and where to go. But if the information isn't presented accurately or effectivley the media can do more harm than good.
I read an article in another class the discussed an earthquake in one location and a tsunami in another. The earthquake had greater amount of people that were affected, but the media paid more attention to the tsunami because it happened first. It is interesting to see the overwhelming coverage of one event, but then also the lack of coverage on the second. This ultimately effected te aid and donations that were given to each different relief fund. Media is an extremely powerful tool and it can effect decisions and outcomes.