How Bush Blew It
Chris Schippers
Reference: Thomas, E., Gegax, T., Campo-Flores, A., Murr, A., Meadows, S., Darman, J., & ... Tuttle, S. (2005). How Bush Blew It. Newsweek, 146(12), 26-40 Retrieved on September 22, 2013 from
Theme: The leadership style of President George W. Bush, in the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster was a disaster itself, regardless of the stubborn New Orleans residents that didn't want to evacuate.
· President George W. Bush's Staff were apprehensive to tell the President his vacation would have to be cut short because of Hurricane Katrina.
· President Bush didn't know how bad the results of the storm were.
· The President lacked "situational awareness," less even, than an average American.
· Because of the ease for Presidents to overreact to media buzz and noise around them, President George W. Bush often dodged the media or avoided reading newspapers.
· His leadership style is somewhat one-sided and a bit of a one-way street, in that, he relates disagreement with disloyalty.
· His staff is largely people that agree with him instead of having a voice or something different to bring to the table.
· No one told him what he needed to hear; that efforts being made by state and local governments, and FEMA, were ineffective and basically useless.
· President Bush should have anticipated and prepared for the worst outcome and aftermath events of the storm by having troops ready to deploy when needed.
· Bush's advisers were not much help either.
· The government's response to Hurricane Katrina was a domino effect as problems cascaded and compounded; each mistake made the next mistake worse.
· Communication between local leaders and senior Washington Officials were poor at best.
· Bush failed to take steps that would have helped such as order the military to take over emergency communications; instead, he went to bed.
· As to avoid security issues and chaos by flying to New Orleans, he and his advisors thought it best for Bush to finish his vacation.
· FEMA was incorporated into Homeland Security after 9/11 and as a result has digressed.
Application to the Lesson Topic:
President George W. Bush lacked some of the traits which make a good leader as outlined in our readings of the importance of being a good listener. If he would have listened to some of the advice on the urgency to take over control of the situation, aid would have been rendered more effectively.
Application to Emergency Services:
This article is directly correlated with Emergency Services in that the display of poor leadership skills affected the people of New Orleans to the extreme. Aide was not given in an appropriate manner or time and as a result unnecessary destruction, chaos, and riots emerged. More work was created for emergency service crews as a result of poor leadership displayed by President Bush. Good leadership is important to emergency services, for if leadership is poorly executed, results can be fatal.
This summary should provide a good point to begin a discussion. These claims are so broad that they are unbelievable. How could someone be that bad? What is the support the authors provide for their claims? Coverage from the national media? A congressional report? Personal interviews with Carl Rove?
ReplyDeleteI completely disagree with you. After watching the video with Governor Christie, it is clear that the response to Hurricane Katrina was very swift. 10 days compared to 66+ with Hurricane Sandy is fast. New Orleans rioted and looted for the same reason Los Angeles did after Rodney King. There is a large population of people who do not take responsibility for themselves and do not know how to earn an honest living. They have instead chosen to be dependent on the government for everything, earning nothing for themselves through actual work. Then they blame the same government for being in the situation they created. They should take advantage of educational grants and move out. Instead, they chose to drop out of school, make babies, and mooch welfare. The federal government's response to Katrina was swift. The people complaining were the ones who were too afraid of hard work to move on with their lives.