Kutscher, B. (2012). "A storm of rumors: social media can help counter false reports: experts." Modern Healthcare. Reviewed December 10, 2013
Social media can help counter false reports.
· Sandy proved to be a Hurricane of rumors. For example the NYSE flooded, hospitals were burning down, ect. )
· The range of rumors came from misinformation to a controlled idea.
· Social media such as Twitter can eliminate rumors almost as soon as they start.
· Hospitals and other emergency services used Twitter during Sandy to keep everyone on their feet.
Application to lesson:
The lesson for the week focused on media response in a disaster. The short article that was presented represents a realistic view of the Sandy Storm but also a general view of what most major incidents cause. Rumors flood the system of information and panic can occur. It is up to the media and the PIO's to get rid of these rumors so that society can remain calm and on it's A game.
Application to career:
In terms of a career aspect, this scenario is pretty straight forward, put out the fires of rumors as soon as you learn about them. Social media has become the most reliable, real-time distinguisher between truth and error. As a PIO we need to always be on top of rumors and push out the information that will save lives, not ruin them.
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