Showing posts with label communication gaps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication gaps. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2013

4- Communication Gaps in Disaster Management - Robert Letterman

Robert Letterman


Paltalla, P., Boano, C., Lund, R., & Vos, M. (2012). Communication Gaps in Disaster Management: Perceptions by Experts from Govermental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Journal of Contingenicies and Crisis Management, 2-12.


               Communicating during a disaster is always difficult.  This article analyzes the gaps in communications that occur and how to best  enhance communication during a crisis.


Crisis management and response is gaining interest in the public and private sector.

Much has been researched and developed in the field of crisis management as it pertains to public relations and image restoration.

The basis of crisis communications is to provide the public with information regarding the disaster.  Crisis communication really began in the field of public relations

The method used by the article is to take a more general approach to researching these gaps and not focus on specific singular incidents.

An online questionnaire was set up to collect information and data to determine the nature and frequency of communication gaps.

One of the issues that comes up during crisis communications is the blame game that occurs between public information officers and the media.

The media will often concern themselves with assigning blame to government agencies and responders.

Despite the fact that communications plans are in place but results from the questionnaire indicated that more practice and development in the field needs to happen.

Application to Lesson

Sometimes we can become too consumed with how we respond to disasters and incidents but we must not let ourselves forget the planning of communication that needs to be developed.

Application to Future Work

This article explains the importance of communication planning not just in the public sector but the private sector as well.  As someone who plans to work in emergency management in the private sector establishing and understanding how communication will be executed during a crisis will be beneficial.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

4- Communication Gaps in Disaster Management - Ray Huntzinger

Communication Gaps in Disaster Management -- Reading Summary #4

By Ray Huntzinger


Palttala, P., Boano, C., Lund, R., & Vos, M. (2012, March).
Communication gaps in disaster management: Perceptions by experts from
governmental and non-governmental organizations. Journal of
Contingencies and Crisis Management. 20(1), pp.2-12.


The theme of the journal was an overview of a study attempting to
address communication issues and gaps during disaster situations; and
ultimately develop tools to measure crisis communication


--The purpose of the study was to identify gaps in communication
during the management of disasters.

--Crisis communication aims to resolve crisis situations and lessen
public uncertainty during crisis/disaster events.

--The method, results, and conclusions of the study involving gaps in
disaster communication were outlined in detail.

--Stakeholders for the study were selected from those involved in
management of previous major disasters.

--The method to determine past gaps in disaster communication involved
three questions to stakeholders: What are the major constraints in
communication with the media and public? What are the constraints with
communication to civilians and communities? What are the constraints
in communication with other involved organizations?

--Some of the gaps identified in the study include deficiencies in the
flow of information within the disaster response/management network;
the relationships, expectations, and accountability of the flow of
information within the media; and the failure of emergency management
to monitor information that is released to the public.

Application to lesson topic:

The journal article describing the study directly relates to many
items, including the purpose, of the National Emergency Communications
Plan. Finding and addressing the gaps in disaster communication is a
major part of the overall lesson topic.

Application to emergency services:

The information in the journal article can be directly applied to
disaster management crisis communication during future incidents;
communication gaps/lessons from past disasters are identified and
recommendations are made.