Wednesday, November 6, 2013

9- Randy Rask- New Trends in Community Informatics and Disaster Management

Randy Rask


Shankar, Kalpana (2008). Wind, Water, and Wi-Fi: New Trends in Community Informatics and Disaster Management. Information Society; Apr2008, Vol. 24 Issue 2, p116-120, 5p

Theme:  This article addresses how the use of social networks during disasters helps to mobilize the community and how a well-designed social network based around emergency management can assist citizens in being more prepared for emergencies. 


-          In February of 2007, Ben Shneiderman and Jennifer Preece suggested that our nation needed an "Online 911".

-          They came to the determination that designing and deploying a system such as this would cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. 

-          What are some ways that citizens can be more in touch with emergency management so they can be more prepared for disasters?

-          Citizens have started to use end-user technologies to communicate during disasters.

-          These technologies need to be designed and deployed in a proper way to have the greatest impact during a crisis.

-          Disaster volunteers seem to be well connected in exchanging information during relief efforts but these technologies are not very useful in preparing for the next disaster. 

-          Community-based approached through social networks if done properly may very well prove to be effective in preparing for future disasters. 

-          These technologies can be used to recruit volunteers and communicate between different relief programs. 

-          Bottom line is that these technologies are a great advantage during disasters and can also be a great advantage in preparing for future disasters. 


Application to Lesson Topic:

 Social media technologies have been being used in disasters since they were discovered.  This article explains ways that these networks can become more effective in preparing for disasters.  It also addresses how relief agencies can stay informed with each other and how they can communicate with the citizens.  The article also shows us that the community needs to be more informed on emergency management and it addresses ways that social network technologies need to be designed to assist people with understanding this.

Application to Emergency Service:

Emergency Services is all about helping citizens in the best way possible.  I would have to say that the best way to help citizens in disasters is to prepare them for it.  Preparedness is key.  This article states that social networking, if designed correctly, can help people understand emergency preparedness and the operations involved.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

8- John Scardena- Interview Prep


Lima, P. (2012). When the Reporter Comes Calling: How to Prepare For Media Interviews. CMA Magazine (1926-4550)86(1), 34-35.



If you want to have a successful interview with the press, make sure you have prepared… for everything.



- Emergency management is about planning, so follow your gut and plan to be interviewed at anytime.

- Memorize strategic phrases or powerful quotes you want the media to catch.

- Elevator approach (30 seconds to get your message out there)

-Make sure you search for questions they will ask that you don't want them to ask and then prepare to answer them.

-Always look in control.

-At times you may not be able to talk about something, you should learn how to respond to questions you can't answer.

dismissed. Make sure to include accurate information in your debunking.

-Kill rumors fast. Watch print, televised, social, and radio news.

- Make sure you know what your saying because the press will run with it either way.


Application to Lesson:

In terms of a press release, knowing whats going to hit the fan and what will bore the press and ultimately viewers is extremely important. Preparation for the interview can really help spin stories the way you want them to go.  


Application to Career:

If I were to become a PIO I think it would be best to get a team together just to research and to drill questions at me. This would allow us to look for the questions we don't want asked and then how to answer them effectively. As a emergency manager, I would want to make sure there is a story worth telling or information worth sharing so that people can be informed

7-John Scardena- Preparing for a disaster

Reference: Mega. Broker Inc. (2009). Reactions, 29(7), 78.



When we understand crisis's will happen we know the most logical thing to do is prepare for pre and post disaster.



-An insurance brokerage named "Mega Broker" gave press releases as terrorist threats began to emerge.

- The idea behind the press releases was to prepare people in case of disaster.

- Homeland security measures try to minimize post disaster casualties. Likewise we should do the same.

- Keep up to date information and kits handy.

- Create a checklist of things to cover if and when a disaster occurs.

- Have an organized group- who does what.

- Keep things simple and logical… and back it up.

- Homeowners insurance can cover anything you list on the plan, so list it.

- Be aware of your surroundings.


Application to Lesson:

Lesson seven was all about giving a press release and how to accurately portray information. This summary for example shows just that. When a bombing occurred the brokerage released to the press steps individuals and communities should take in case of a disaster.


Application to Career:

As emergency managing personnel we deal with planning everyday. We understand that the best offence is a strong defense. If we can prepare for a crisis but understand that we can't control everything then we can better prepare how to act. We don't have to be sucker punched like we were on 9/11 anymore if we plan correctly.  

Hurricane Andrews: Media Lessons

John Scardena



Trahan III, J. V. (1993). Media Relations in the Eye of the Storm. Public Relations Quarterly, 38(2), 31-32.



Theme: If we want to effectively prepare for disaster events than we must work with and build relationships with media personnel.



- Hurricane Andrew slammed Florida on August 24, 1992

- Over the course of one day a thousand plus hits were to the media

- Joint Task Force Andrew, a military unit was assigned to help the media's questions.

- JICs Mission:

1. Meet with media and answer questions regarding the hurricane

2. Coordinate media responses of all federal agencies.  

3. Prepare a daily media briefing

4. Radio blasts/ announcements 24 hours a day

5. Help inform victims where and how to get help

6. Inform people what measures were being taken

7. Inform members of the task force what was going on

8. Maintain high morale in the task force.


Application to Lesson:

Wow learning how the JIC for Hurricane Andrew handled the situation was kind of an eye opener. With our focus on developing a relationship between media and emergency services we can learn a lot from what they dealt with.


Application to Career:

If I am ever in a hurricane, I will be trying to get out probably with everyone else. If I am there for my job, I think it would be the most stressful, awesome experience of a lifetime. Some act like the media is this terrible beast, but we need the media and they need us. Application: Learn to have a personality and like the media.

Monday, November 4, 2013

9 - Social Media Uses During Disasters - Michael Newland

Michael Newland


Lindsay, B. R. (2012). Social Media and Disasters: Current Uses, Future Options and Policy Considerations. Journal of Current Issues in Media & Telecommunications; Vol. 2 Issue 4, Pg. 287-297.


Social Media is growing quickly and has become a great tool for disaster preperation and information.


·         In the last five years social media have played an increasing role in emergencies and disasters.

·         The use of social media for emergencies and disasters may be conceptualized as two broad categories.

·         “First, social media can be used somewhat passively to disseminate information and receive user feedback via incoming messages, wall posts, and polls (Lindsay, 2012).”

·         “A second approach involves the systematic use of social media as an emergency management tool (Lindsay, 2012).”

·         A 2009 American Red Cross study found that social media is the fourth most popular source of emergency information.

·         “Instances of inaccurate and false information may be an inherent problem, given the nature of social media platforms and the number of people disseminating information (Lindsay, 2012).”

·         “Social media appear to be making inroads into emergency management for a variety of reasons. For one, accurate, reliable, and timely information is vital for public safety before, during, and after an incident. As people continue to embrace new technologies, use of social media will likely increase (Lindsay, 2012).”

Application to Lesson:

The lesson this week was about social media and disasters. This article is about how more and more people are using social media to share and obtain information during a disaster.

Application to Emergency Services:

Social Media allows emergency agencies to quickly get information out to the masses. It is now much easier to coordinate relief efforts and to provide public with information that they need to know.

9- Ashley Burningham- Dismissing Disaster Rumors

Kutscher, B. (2012). A storm of rumors: social media can help counter false reports: experts. Modern Healthcare, 42(45), 7.

Social media can help counter false reports.

- Rumors flourished after Hurricane Sandy. (The New York Stock Exchange had flooded. A hospital in Brooklyn was burning. Utility company Consolidated Edison was cutting power to all of Manhattan.)
- There was a rumor about a fire in Coney Island Hospital.
- Some rumors were intentional and some came from misinterpreted dispatches.
- It is impossible to eliminate rumors, but you can dismiss them by talking about it.
- Social media can correct in almost real time.
- Many hospitals in Sandy's path used social media outlets to keep employees in the loop, share information about community resources, and even actively recruit blood donations and volunteers.
- Health and Hospitals Corp didn't address fire rumors, but tweeted things that would make the fire rumor invalid.
- People used a Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. to share information.
- More people followed because of the tragedy.
- Social media also used for crisis communication.

Application to lesson:
This weeks lesson was on the use of social media during disasters. This article discusses different agencies and how they used social media after Hurricane Sandy. Social media is beneficial because everyone can use it. Companies can use it to talk to employees, police can use it to provide situational updates, and fire can provide steps to take.

Application to career:
Many departments are beginning to use social media as a way of informing. It eliminates the need for a formal press conference, and it delivers a message to a large margin of people. Police departments are utilizing social media more than ever, and some have gone as far as eliminating formal conversation with the media and replacing it with social media information.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fire Prevention and Public Information: Making the Most of Teachable Moments

Fire Prevention and Public Information: Making the Most of Teachable Moments


By Ray Huntzinger



United States Fire Administration. (2011, November 17). Fire prevention and public education: Making the most of teachable moments. Retrieved on October 31, 2013, from



The overall theme of the article focuses on how fire public information officers (PIO) can utilize media interviews to educate the public on fire prevention messages following a structure fire.



--To spread fire safety messages most effectively, it is important that the PIO know what to do and say before, during, and after media interviews.

--Before an interview the PIO should put fire safety messages in their own words, make not of the prevention-related services that the fire department offers, consider using local and national statistics, and practice your message so the message is comfortable.

--During a media interview the PIO should keep safety messages closely linked to the fire story, mention the effectiveness of smoke alarms and residential sprinklers, provide statistics on the seriousness of structure fires and compel them to take action.

--After an interview the PIO should follow up with the reporter within a day and ask if the reporter need additional information, encourage follow up stories that can provide more fire prevention information, provide additional information from the fire investigation that may have not been available immediately after the fire, and offer to serve as a resource for future fire safety related news stories. 


Application to the Lesson topic:

This article focuses on several points discussed in the lesson. One of the key points that the article stresses is the importance of using fire emergencies to act as teachable moments; however, these teachable moments are only as effective as what the PIO does and says before, during, and following interviews with the media. The article also stresses the importance of being prepared, knowing the facts, understanding principles, and reference to vital statistics during media interviews; these principles help answer the who, what, where, when, why, and how.


Application to emergency services:

This article directly relates to the duties of a fire department PIO following a structure fire. There is no better moment to stress the importance of fire prevention than during the reporting of an actual structure fire; the drama of the fire has already captured the public attention so the audience is ripe to be educated on how to prevent similar events.