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Showing posts with label audiences. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

6- Ashley Burningham- Maintaining Media Relations During Disasters

Ashley Burningham

Trahan III, J. V. (1993). Media Relations in the Eye of the Storm. Public Relations Quarterly, 38(2), 31-32.

Theme: Media relations is an important component of disaster preparedness and response and we must work together to get a job done.

- August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew struck Florida.
- Within 24 hours, there were hundreds of media inquiries and media personnel on scene.
- An Army Reserve Unit was activated to handle media inquires. (Joint Task Force Andrew)
- JICs Mission:
1. Handle media inquiries for Andrew
2. Coordinate media responses of all federal agencies.
3. Escort media
4. Prepare a daily media briefing
5. Assist with print and electronic products
6. Establish Radio Recovery - 24 hour a day radio coverage in three languages throughout Miami.
- Communication objectives:
1. Help inform victims where and how to get help
2. Inform people what measures were being taken
3. Inform members of the task force what was going on
4. Maintain high morale in the task force.
- Audiences:
1. Primary- victims and members of task force
2 Secondary- Miami residents, Florida residents, U. S. Citizens
1. Task force fully operational by 9/2/92
2. Mobile Public Affairs by second week of September.
3. JIC had trilingual media conference speaker.
- Lessons learned:
1. Need an easy to understand crisis plan
2. Need a mobilization readiness center
3. Establish your communication channels
4. All media inquiries need to be made by one group
5. Must be totally accessible to the media.
6. Be patient with the media
7. Have realistic media deadlines.
8. Find answers to "I don't know answers" and follow up
9. Be professional an demand truthful coverage.
10. Pracice

Application to Lesson:
This weeks lesson was about media relations and disaster preparedness. This article discussed Hurricane Andrew and how their disaster response involved the media. It included experiences as well as lessons learned.

Application to Career:
The media is an extremely relevant component of responding to a scene. They will be there, and they are usually the messenger of information to the public. It is important to establish and maintains healthy relationships with local media. Better relationships will decrease the complexity of responding to a disaster later.