Showing posts with label adversity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adversity. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2013

3 - Leading Through the Blur: Leadership in Difficult Times - Robert Letterman

Rob Letterman

Leading Through the Blur: Leadership in Difficult Times


Kerfoot, K. (2001). Leading Through the Blur: Leadership in Difficult Times. Dermatology Nursing, 250-252.


               Rethinking the importance of leadership and how leaders are developed.  Leaders grow and improve in the face of adversity.


·        We live in times where our enemies are faceless and without a national identity.  Unlike in previous times when we knew who are enemies were.

·        Leaders are not measured by how they lead during times of peace, but during times of crisis when things don't go according to plan.

·        Adversity strengthens leadership much like physical exercise makes us stronger.  Leaders face the choice of fight or flight during difficult times.

·        Leadership is about advancing in times of struggle and there are many opportunities for to prove leadership.  Rudy Guiliani is an example.

·        Incidents that occur separate the wheat from the tares in terms of leadership.

·        Leaders must rise through the blur of disaster by clearing our heads of negative thoughts, anger, and hatred.  When we do this our minds are in a position to lead effectively.

Application to Lesson

               The examples given in this article reflect and discuss many of the same things we analyzed with Chris Christie.  Leading through difficult times gives legitimacy to a leader's methods and credibility in the eyes of those who follow them.

Application to Emergency Services

               The nature of emergency services requires leadership through difficult times.  Whether we are in a position of leadership or not disasters afford us the opportunity to prove ourselves and learn from the difficult situations that emergency services deal with.  Learning from the examples of other leaders is critical to success and we must apply the lessons learned for future situations.